Download jFed build #250213-166447


Installing jFed using the installer is the recommended method of using jFed.

Choose the correct installer for your operating system:

Microsoft Windows

Prerequisites: PuTTY is required to launch SSH terminals. As jFed uses advanced features like PuTTY’s SSH-agent ‘Pageant’, a full installation is required. Use the full Windows installer of PuTTY to make sure that all necessary components are installed.

Windows jFed installer for Microsoft Windows

Mac OS X

Attention: To allow the installation of jFed, you need to start ‘jFed Installer’ with right-click + ‘Open’

OS X jFed installer for Mac OS X x86_64

jFed installer for Mac OS X aarch64


Prerequisites: Java 14 is required for running jFed. Please make sure that it is correctly installed. See Java 14 on Linux.

Linux You can install jFed using one of the following packages:

Advanced: Jar download


You can download the jar files of the GUIs: jFed GUI (archive)

This archive contains both the jar for each of the GUIs, and the libraries that they depend on (in the lib/ dir).

To run the GUIs this way, make sure the lib dir is in the same folder as the jar.


 $ wget -nv
2017-01-10 11:27:28 URL: [25654644/25654644] -> "jfed_gui.tar.gz" [1]
 $ tar xfz jfed_gui.tar.gz
 $ cd jfed_gui
 $ ls
automated-testing-gui.jar  experimenter-gui.jar  lib  probe-gui.jar
 $ java -jar experimenter-gui.jar

The included GUIs are:

Command Line tools:

This archive contains both the jar for each of the CLIs, and the libraries that they depend on (in the lib/ dir).

To run the CLIs, make sure the lib dir is in the same folder as the jar.

You can download the jar files of the CLIs: jFed CLI (archive)

The included CLIs are:


This build used commit d20eed209d143c9791fbd641f47d04911c7651ca

File Overview

Source Archive