This version contains the following new features and improvements:

  • Coverage of all operational testbeds in Fed4FIRE (as listed on the dashboard: )
  • Extensive map support:
    • overview of testbed locations, see (this needs a 64 bit java, on Windows you probably need to launch the jar instead of the webstart for this)
    • overview of node locations in individual testbeds for Planetlab, Nitos, Netmode, w-iLab.t, C-Lab, see tutorials and screenshots here:
  • Supports future reservations and channel reservations at the Nitos and Netmode testbeds
  • Supports more accurate available nodes list for Planetlab Europe by using monitoring information (see )
  • In manifest view, under ‘Show info’ when you right click on a link or a node, you have now detailed info about the interfaces, links, IPs and MAC addresses, so it is easier to identify things.
  • For emulab/protogeni testbeds (Virtual Wall, w-iLab.t, UC3M and Stanford Optical), it is now possible to list and manage (delete) also the images you have created yourself, and it is easier to select images on other testbeds to import them.
  • It is now possible to load manifest RSpecs and convert them to request RSpecs (e.g. if you want to re-use the same nodes that were automatically selected by the testbed before)
  • Improvements on SSH terminal:
    • possible to type in yourself the login name
    • better automatic SSH terminal selection on Linux
  • The stitching workflow has been completely rewritten to do now first Allocate calls on all relevant AMs, and then provision calls in the stitching workflow. It is also much more robust now.
  • Besides these more obvious changes, there are in total about 210 tickets on bugs and improvements closed for this release.